Karthick Sivakumar

Experienced Engineer with a demonstrated historyof working in the service based IT and SAAS industry. Skilled in PHP, Laravel, Wordpress, Javascript, React JS, Redux, Express JS, TypeScript, MySQL, MongoDB, MVC Concepts, HTML, CSS. I love writting simple & reusable codes, libraries which makes my co-workers & team work easily on the projects & contribute more on the pojects.


Web Developer

Zaigo Infotech

Worked on both Website & Web Applications as per the customer needs by discussing directly with clients using PHP & Javascript(Core language & frameworks based on the requirements). On Web Applications I worked on On-Premise & SASS(inhouse product) applications. Apart from the projects, I do POC projects & review my teams codes to improve the code scalability & reusability.

December 2016 - Till Date


Gojan School of Business and Technology

Bachelor of Engineering
Computer Science Engineering
2012 - 2016


Programming Languages & Tools


Apart from being a web developer as profession, I enjoy writing blogs, build open souce projects & packages. I spend a large amount of my free time exploring the latest technology advancements in the web development world.

Open Source Projects